
Friday, April 9, 2010

Funny Welfare

My grandma sent this to us by e-mail. It is not a true story, but the idea is so true.

I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare. At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare". So I explained to her that my Dog is unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no clue who his Daddy is. So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify. My Dog gets his first check Friday. This is a great country!


  1. Ah! Ha! That's pretty good! :)
    What is our country coming to?

  2. That is really funny Sara!
    Hey, I finished my first book I've been writing, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it to you! I've been really busy with all the music things I'm doing and I think I'm going to crash on Monday!

  3. I like your counting joke on the sidebar, that is one of the funniest things I've seen in years!
